
24 Division Netball
26 100 Day of Prep
29-31 Gr.3 Camp
30 Girls Div Football
31 Boys Div Football
20 Gr.5/6 Concert
27 Gr.P/1/2 Concert
4 Gr.3/4 Concert
6 Div Basketball

Set Calendar Days:
Friday 9am – School Assembly & Fresh Fruit Friday Year Level rotation.  

Looking back on Term 2

We thank all our families for your support throughout another term of teaching and learning across all year levels at Maiden Gully Primary School. Students have been successful in so many ways throughout Term 2 and should be very proud of their efforts. Some of our term highlights include the Art Show, Grade 5 Melbourne Camp, the Grade 6 Enterprise Showcase, Grade 4 Caine’s Arcade, Cross Country and Athletic Sports, the P/1 Fairytale Parade, Mother’s Day Morning and the Colour Fun Run, just to name a few. It’s been huge!  I wish to acknowledge the work and commitment of our teachers and the work that went into assessing students and writing end of semester reports. Thank you. We are refreshed and ready to go for what promises to be another busy and exciting term. 

Opening our new library space.